List of Issues that Cause Suspension

Published on 9/25/2012
Updated on 5/29/2024

In New York State, your license or driving privileges can be suspended for many reasons. This is a list of issues that will cause suspension.

  1. Conviction of a serious traffic violation. One example would be reckless driving or speeding in a school zone. Judges have the discretion to suspend even where the driver does not have 11 points in 18 months.

  2. Conviction of multiple traffic violations. Even if the traffic violations were not serious, if you amass multiple lesser violations that equal 11 points in 18 months, your license will be suspended.

  3. Allowing auto insurance to lapse. If your car is registered but you have not had insurance on it, even for a few days, your license will be suspended for - at minimum - the same number of days it was registered without insurance coverage.

  4. Conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or ability impaired. There are many variables here but upon conviction you will be facing suspension or revocation.

  5. Probationary driver violation. Special restrictions apply to new motorists and any drivers under the age of 18 in New York, and failing to follow these can result in license suspension.

  6. Failing to answer a traffic ticket. If you receive a traffic ticket, you must answer it either by pleading Guilty or Not Guilty. If you do neither, the court will order suspension.

  7. Failing to appear for a pretrial conference or trial. The court will treat this as if you did not answer the ticket and order suspension.

  8. Failure to pay Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee (DRAF). If you get six points in 18 months you must pay a $300 DRAF. Failure to pay will result in suspension. It will be cleared as soon as the minimum is paid.

  9. Failing to file an accident report. If you were involved in an accident in New York, state law requires you to file an accident report. Failing to do so can result in suspension of your license.

  10. Failing to pay child support. If the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) notifies the state that someone is behind on child support payments, the state will suspend driving privileges until notified that child support payments are current again.

  11. Unpaid New York State Taxes. If you owe more than $10,000 to the state for New York State taxes, your license will be suspended. If it’s your first violation, you’ll have an opportunity to take care of the debt before your driving privileges are taken away.

  12. Medical Condition. If you have a serious medical condition that could impair your ability to drive safely, the state may suspend your driving privileges until your physician certifies that the condition is controlled and your driving no longer presents a danger.

  13. Civil judgment against uninsured motorist. If you get into an accident while driving an uninsured vehicle, are sued for damages, and there is a judgment against you. The suspension will not be lifted until the judgment is cleared.

  14. Failure to answer out-of-state ticket. New York is part of the Driver License Compact Agreement. This means they will order the suspension of a New York motorists that fails to deal with an out-of-state ticket.

  15. Two work zone speeding tickets. It doesn't matter when the first one occurred. Any second work zone speeding ticket over your lifetime will result in suspension.

Driving in New York with a suspended license or suspended privileges is a criminal offense. If you are caught driving while suspended, you are subject to arrest on the side of the road and your car being impounded. If your license is suspended there may be options. Sometimes it is an easy fix and sometimes it is more complex. Best if you contact an attorney that focuses on traffic law and give them your background and driving record.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket defense firm. We were established in 2011. Since then, we have helped many motorists out of suspension. We understand the frustration in not being able to drive. Once retained, our team moves quickly in order to get you back on the road. You can contact us to discuss your situation.

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